
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Separation doesn't mean it's the end, it's just the start of a new beginning.

"Real Friend"...
that's a term many people would give a thought about.
a good friend is like a valuable gift.
it is hard to get,
but if you are in possession of it...
you will have it for life.

does everyone have a trust-able friend they can call as a real friend?
some might say yes...
and some might say no...
as for me...
i'm very blessed to have friends that are reliable.

Every meeting always ends with a separation.
for me and my friends...
it's finally the time for us to part ways.
being apart may be hard to cope with at first,
but it's a process of life we have to go through.

Besides, good friends will not drift apart that easily.
no matter where we are
or what are we're doing.
we will always remember each other
and the times we've been through.
looking forward without forgetting the past...
that's what really matters...